What should you look for when hiring a web designer?

May 4, 2022

Whilst I have never had a need to hire a web designer I have had enough clients now come to me with stories of woe from past experiences. So I thought I would share what I believe to be the most important/crucial aspects when hiring a web designer.

Important Qualities to look for when hiring a website designer




Yes, every new web designer has to start somewhere, but trust me – you don’t want to be their guinea pig -that’s what family and friends are for!


New web designers may have talent and they may have done a course and can show you a certificate, but they don’t have a proven track record or experience. With that in mind, it’s generally a good idea to high a web designer that can show you a portfolio of their experience with past clients.

Overall, a portfolio can tell you a lot about a designer, and an impressive collection of past work is a good sign that a designer is a good fit for your needs.



The price to hire a web designer varies wildly depending on a huge range of factors.


The key to finding a price that suits you is to set your budget before you start looking for designers. Then you just have to stick to your budget. Every designer needs to prove they’re worth what you pay.



Regardless of how you found a web designer, it’s important to do some research on them – ask about their knowledge, process, and overall strategy when they’re creating a website. If they find it difficult to explain their process, you can bet they are lacking the experience and know-how that you need. Conversely, if they can quickly and succinctly answer your questions on these issues, then they most likely know what they’re doing.


This is a big one, that I feel often gets overlooked.


Some web designers offer continued services for website maintenance to keep your site functioning properly as you use it. Similarly, you may be able to maintain your website yourself, if you have the time and know-how.

Either way, it’s important to know what to expect after your website is created. Most of the time, agency web designers only make your website, and then it’s up to you to do anything else, or worse you can employ their services for updates, but it’s like pulling teeth to get anything done!