Top 3 Tips for working from home during the coronavirus pandemic

April 9, 2020


In the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, many now find themselves dealing with an unusual challenge: working from home for the first time, full-time.

After being a freelance web designer for many years now, working from home isn’t  a new concept for me, in fact I have been doing it since 2006. However, i can understand that it is a huge shift for others. In times like these, it amazes me how much our modern lives rely on technology. If you are struggling with the new normal, don’t worry, I got you! See my top 3 three WFH tips below.

Note – These tips will help you make sure that you’re successful, both at getting your work done and at maintaining your mental well-being:

1. Get out of bed!
I know it’s tempting to roll over in bed and just dial into that 8am meeting, however, you’ll be way more productive when you allow yourself to wake up a bit earlier, have time to meditate and set daily goals.


2. Designate a Workspace or Home Office –  If you’re used to going into an office each day, the separation between work and home is physical, and you want to try to recreate that as much as possible with a designated physical workspace at home. Entering your workspace will help you turn “on” at the beginning of the day and get down to work. On the flipside, leaving your workspace will also help you turn “off” at the end of the day and fully disengage. By having a separate workspace it allows your to differentiate your home life from your work life – which is essential for maintaining sanity in the long run!


3. Keep clearly defined working hours and take a lunch break!
If possible, get out of the house for a 10 minute walk. I find it often tempting to work through lunch, however, taking a break will benefit your mental health and is a great step towards self-care.