DIY is not for everyone!

June 5, 2018
diy webdesign


Are you a small business who DIY’s everything in your business?
What about your website? Have you tried to DIY that?

Searching online can quickly bring up several DIY website builders that offer a variety of custom designs for you to have a site ready to go quickly, easily and cheaply.  Heck, I even saw an ad the other day and Alf Stewart was saying he built his own website to sell his hot sauce –  so if Alf Stewart can do it, surely you can too?

Look, I’m not saying that it can’t be done, because yes it certainly can…..but I can tell you what I see happen ALL THE TIME….

Clients start building their website, but give up because;

  1. its harder than they thought
  2. it’s time consuming
  3. website builder templates are restrictive and in the end the website just doesn’t look as good as once envisaged.

…and that is just the beginning….

If clients do make it past this stage (kudos to them!) the site is now launched and this is the biggy……The site doesn’t appear in a google search….…ahhh so frustrating !?!

9 times out of 10 this is where I get the call …..”ummm, I’ve got a new business and built the website myself, but it’s not looking as I want it to and it doesn’t appear in a google search”….when I ask to see the domain and where they are at, the response is usually a very sheepish “I’m a little embarrassed to tell you, its not very good, please don’t laugh it’s…..”

Now, I’m never going to laugh, because If anything I’m usually impressed at the attempt and I can also fully appreciate how difficult these so called easy website builders can be…..

So my point is, while DIY might seem like the best way to go, you owe it to yourself and your business to look into hiring a professional web designer. Sure at first it might seem like a needless expense when you can set something up on your own for a fraction of the cost. However, here are a few of the things my clients gain by working with me.

  • A personalised, customised design – made for your needs and that grows with your business
  • Customised website management manual, so they can update and maintain their own content once the site is launched.
  • Maximised Search Potential – As your website designer I include Basic SEO principles in each of my packages whilst building your website. These include certain elements such as titles, headings, page names with your keywords in them.
  • An expert website partner for LIFE (yep, that’s me!) Believe me, i’ve been doing this for over 10 years, so I know my stuff ; -)
  • Ongoing support and advice for your online business.

SO if you want these things too, I’d  love to help you find your way through the madness and say goodbye to your DIY website woes!!